
We Are Here To Help!

The OI Group is dedicated to offering top-quality free resources to help you grow your business while ensuring compliance. Discover how Professional Employer Organizations (PEOs) can support you by managing Human Resources, Payroll, benefits, and health and safety, giving you more time to focus on your business.

Air Quality

Air Quality – Protecting Your Workforce

As we feel the affects of climate change in not only Canada but globally, we have an obligation as the employer to protect our workers.

Holiday Party

Holiday Party Safety Checklist

Be prepared and set a plan in place to help prevent accidents, illness, injury and inappropriate behaviour during your company events.

Training Audits

Training Audits

Most organizations across Canada require their employees to receive job related training prior to starting a new position.

Employee Appreciation

Employee Appreciation & Perks

Employees who feel recognized while at work are twice as likely to stay at a company compared to those who do not.

Performance Evaluation

Work Performance Evaluations

Work performance evaluations are powerful for both employers and employees. A performance review allows managers to make sure their employee’s goals are aligned with the company and acts as a valuable opportunity to provide insights to employees regarding their performance.

Feedback Systems

Employee Feedback Systems

Collecting employee feedback can provide insights into what exactly is happening within the organization. Employee feedback systems assist in facilitating organizational improvements by encouraging two-way communication between managers and employees.

Bad Management

Results of Bad Management

It’s essential for your business to nip bad management in the bud. The most common consequences of bad management on businesses include:

Succession Planning

How to Plan for Succession

Succession planning is a process that your organization can use to ensure every critical position is occupied by an employee with the right skills and experience.

Pay Equity

HR-Pay Equity

Pay equity is equal pay for work of equal value. That means if two different jobs contribute equal value to their employer’s operations then the employees in those positions should receive equal pay.

Implementing an Upskilling Plan

Implementing An Upskilling Plan – 5 Steps

Hiring new employees can be extremely costly in 2025, especially when there is no guarantee of how long they will stay in the position they were hired for.

Canada HR Essentials!

Also, visit our Canada HR Essentials website for all your Canadian HR needs. Providing comprehensive HR solutions since 1981.

We Do It All for You

Let's face it. You didn't go into business to be an employer. Your greatest asset is your time. By outsourcing your human resources to the OI Group, you get your time back to do what you do best. Let us do the rest.