PPE Failing Woman Across Canada

PPE Failing Women
PPE Failing Women

Personal protective equipment (PPE) is used to keep employees safe and protected from hazards and harmful substances while at work. The issue emerging now is how ineffective PPE is designed for women in the workplace. Most equipment has been designed to fit men, forcing women to make unsafe modifications to their PPE to wear it, resulting in unsafe work conditions and an increased risk of injury or death. So, as an employer what is the key issue at hand and how can you prevent them?

Fitting Issue

The main issue with PPE is that most are not designed to fit women. Equipment is too small, big, or simply made to fit a man’s figure, not a woman’s. Improper fitting equipment is dangerous and if someone is injured or exposed to a harmful substance due to failed PPE, employers can be held liable.

A recent report that asked women across Canada how they felt about their PPE found that:

  • Women who say that PPE is designed to fit them (6 percent)
  • Use PPE that is the wrong size at least some of the time (58 percent)
  • Don’t wear all the required PPE at work because of fit issues (28 percent)
  • Use a workaround to make their PPE fit (38 percent)

Paying Out of Pocket

Women are forced to pay out of pocket to feel safe and comfortable at work. Woman feeling forced to pay for their own PPE creates several issues such as pay equality, and inequality between female and male workers in the same positions. Women having to pay for their own PPE is a cut in their pay as PPE is expressive and needs to be replaced often depending on the position. Next, there is gender discrimination, supplying only safe PPE for male workers and not female.

Increased Turnover

There is currently a labour shortage across Canada. A business supplying their employees PPE that does not fit correctly is a huge barrier and can lead to increased turnover. The elimination of PPE that does not fit, causing discomfort for females is a huge step for reducing turnover, especially in a climate where finding workers is already a struggle.

This issue will require a lot of attention and teamwork to create a system that provides the same safety that it does for men and women in the workplace. PPE needs to be purchased specifically for women and not just a small size of men’s PPE. Correct and fitting PPE for all can create equality within the workplace and safety for all. Furthermore, this will result in saved time and money overall, less employee turnover and a more dedicated and professional workforce for employers.

PPE Failing Woman Across Canada



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