Holiday Party Safety Checklist

Holiday Party
Holiday Party

Employers are responsible for the wellbeing of their employees before and after work-related events. Even if the event happens outside of the office and outside of company hours, the employer still bears the liability for the safety of their employees. Employers must ensure employees act appropriately at the event and get home safely afterwards. Incidents occurring at work-related holiday parties can not only be costly to the employer, but they can open up the organization to massive liability and result in decreased employee morale.

So, how do you plan and manage holiday events correctly?

Before the Event

  • Leading up to the event, set clear rules and expectations for behaviour. Remind employees that they are still representing their place of work and that misconduct will not be tolerated.
  • If alcohol or other substances are being served at the event, try to limit employee consumption. An example of this includes providing employees with a set quantity of pre-paid drink tickets.
  • Remind employees that actions such as (sexual) harassment and workplace violence will not be tolerated.
  • Ensure all employees know that drinking and driving is not acceptable under any circumstances.
  • Avoid any games or activities that encourage or lead to inappropriate behaviour.
  • Encourage employees to practice proper COVID-19 protocols especially if some of the workforce remains unvaccinated.
  • Let employees know that they should feel comfortable coming forward with any complaints.

After the Event

  • Have alternative transportation for employees arranged. Make it a priority that anyone consuming alcohol or other substances use the provided transportation. An example of this is providing employees with taxi chits.
  • Establish carpooling with designated drivers that have agreed to not consume any substances at the event.
  • Arrange hotels or rooms for employees who live far from the event. This way more employees can attend and get home safely the next day.

The holidays are just around the corner, and you want to make sure your employees are safe and following company guidelines during this festive season. Be prepared and set a plan in place to help prevent accidents, illness, injury and inappropriate behaviour during your company events.

Holiday Party Safety Checklist



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