Back Injury Prevention

Back injury is one of the most costly and common injuries among Canadians in the workplace. Lower back injuries alone make up one-quarter of all injuries and two-thirds of repetitive work injuries.
7 Tips for Proper Lifting
- Get close to the load
- Avoid lifting below knees
- Keep back straight
- Keeps hands by your thigh
- Tighten stomach muscles
- Good physical condition
- Warm-up
Seven Steps
1. Plan to get as close to the load as possible
The further the load is from the center of your body, the more strain is placed on your back. If you are required to lift a heavy object off the ground, move the object between your legs and lift it from there.
2. Avoid picking up heavy objects and placed below your knees
It’s best to store heavy objects in places higher than your knees. Doing so can help prevent overloading. If you feel like a load is too heavy to move, attempt to break the load down into smaller ones.
3. Keep your back straight
Keeping your back straight might sound like a no-brainer, but it is one of the main culprits in the onset of short- and long-term back injury. Avoid bending from the waist when lifting a load of any size or weight.
4. Glue your hands to your thigh
When lifting a load with one hand, avoid trying to balance by leaning your body in the opposite direction of the load. This is a dangerous method of lifting, and most people do it involuntarily. Instead, keep your body straight and your free hand glued to your thigh. Bending to the side can be just as hazardous as bending forward when moving a load.
5. Tighten your core
Keeping your abdominal muscles tightened can help prevent your spine from twisting. When moving a load that needs to be placed off to one side, turn by moving your feet. Repetitive work like this can take a toll on your body’s muscles over long periods. To help prevent fatigue, ensure you are as close as possible to where the load needs to be placed.
6. Stay in good physical condition
Staying in good physical shape is a great way to prevent injury. In addition, strong muscles can help the body keep natural postures allowing you to complete work with less overall strain buildup throughout the working day.
7. Warn up your muscles before work
The most likely time of the day to experience back strain is first thing in the morning. This is because most people are less flexible and have lower mobility at that time, built up from sleeping at night. Warming up can help prevent injury.
Back Injury Prevention
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