Air Quality – Protecting Your Workforce

As we feel the affects of climate change in not only Canada but globally, we have an obligation as the employer to protect our workers. This includes looking at issues you have not considered to be a concern previously, such as wildfires and air quality.
Wildfire smoke is a seasonal health hazard that employers should be prepared for, especially if their business requires outdoor work. Wildfires are common typically between May and September.
Smoke from wildfires contains chemicals, gases and fine particles that can be harmful to your health if inhaled.
Are employers required to protect workers from the hazards of poor air quality?
Under the Occupational Health and Safety Act (OHSA), employers are required to take all precautions reasonable for the protection of the worker. Although air quality is not specifically addressed, you are still required to protect workers from all hazards, which in this cased are associated with poor outdoor air quality that could pose a risk to workers working in and around the workplace.
How to protect your workers?
The best option is always to minimize exposure to smoke where possible. This is best achieved by being in an indoor environment during periods of poor outdoor air quality. Which in most cases is not possible. Respirators can help filter the smoke out but must be fit tested and used with due consideration for their limitations.
Working Indoors
- Keep doors and windows closed
- Use a certified portable air purifier to filter particles from wildfire smoke.
- Have air conditioning and humidification/dehumidification capabilities present (maintain humidity levels between 30 and 50%)
- PROS: This will provide the best protection to your workers. This has potentially no financial cost.
- CONS: Working inside is not always possible and can delay work.
What else can you do?
- Wildfire smoke also causes heat stress. Provide cool drinking water on the work site. Remind your workers to drink a glass of water at least every 15 to 20 minutes even if they aren’t feeling thirsty.
- Slow down the pace of work or increase the number of workers on the task. Reducing physical exertion will reduce inhalation of polluted air.
- Increase the frequency and/or duration of breaks.
- Train your staff to recognize the symptoms of smoke exposure.
- Check in with your workers to ensure they are well.
- Have a response plan ready in case an employee experiences symptoms of smoke exposure.
- Educate your staff on the precautions to take while driving in low visibility.
- Keep track of local weather updates and public health warnings.
Air Quality – Protecting Your Workforce
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