The OI Group is dedicated to offering top-quality free resources to help you grow your business while ensuring compliance. Discover how Professional Employer Organizations (PEOs) can support you by managing Human Resources, Payroll, benefits, and health and safety, giving you more time to focus on your business.
HR-Pay Equity
Partnering with a PEO can help your business stay compliant and expand into new markets at a fraction of the cost.
Implementing An Upskilling Plan – 5 Steps
Partnering with a PEO can help your business stay compliant and expand into new markets at a fraction of the cost.
Growing a Prosperous Business
As a business owner one of the most challenging jobs you have is to hire workers who will work as a team!
International Vs. Domestic Benefits – Find Out What Works Best for You
In Canada, a company is either an employer or they are not. Do you know if your PEO qualifies as a legitimate employer?
What is a Professional Employer Organization (PEO)/Employer of Record (EoR)?
In Canada, a company is either an employer or they are not. Do you know if your PEO qualifies as a legitimate employer?
Are You a Legitimate Employer in Canada? Find Out in 6 Simple Steps.
In Canada, a company is either an employer or they are not. Do you know if your PEO qualifies as a legitimate employer?
Independent Contractor Misclassification – Don’t Waste Time and Money
Often an assumption exists that organizations can get around PEO/GEO services by simply declaring that a person is an Independent Contractor. However, the Canadian government is very strict on who can be classified as such.
5 Ways a PEO Saves You Money
Partnering with a PEO can help your business stay compliant and expand into new markets at a fraction of the cost.
Canada HR Essentials!
Also, visit our Canada HR Essentials website for all your Canadian HR needs. Providing comprehensive HR solutions since 1981.